Contact accuracy creates headaches for your marketing, BDR, sales, and ops teams

Bad contact data hinders your entire go-to-market team. Marketers see higher email bounce rates and damage to sender reputation. BDRs waste time on unnecessary research – on the wrong contacts. Sales teams waste time on research which limits how many accounts each rep can cover. And ops teams get “download credit anxiety” based on not having enough quality contacts.

Get accurate, unlimited contacts

With RevenueBase, you’ll have access to over 150 million global contacts that are accurate, fresh and matched to the right companies. All in one database, without limits on how many contacts you can download. BDRs can spend more time with prospects. Ops teams can focus on strategic projects. And better data will drive better conversion rates for marketers.

Your RevenueBase subscription includes:

Over 150 Million Global Contacts

We have access to over 150 million global contacts around the world. Our database spans the world, including North and South America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Asia Pacific.

Bespoke Contact Targeting

Reach more of the right people with the right message so you can achieve  higher conversion rates. RevenueBase enables you to find contacts that match each of your target buyer personas at prospect companies.  RevenueBase’s AI uses job titles, industry, job history, education, and other variables to identify the contacts that match each persona.


Be confident that your marketing and sales teams are reaching out to the right people in the right roles, with the right information, and still affiliated with the company. RevenueBase automatically checks everyone in our database on a regular basis so you always have access to the freshest data. That’s one reason why our customers report email bounce rates under 2%.

We ensure accuracy with:

  • Up-to-date information including mobile phone numbers, current job titles, as well as email addresses confirmed to be recently deliverable
  • Proper targeting so you know you’re contacting the right person in the right company

Fresh Leads

On average, 25% of employees change jobs each year, so the typical contact list is continually decaying.

Get a head-start on the competition. RevenueBase continually scouts for new contacts who work for companies who buy solutions. These may include new leaders who are often open to products that can help them make a name for themselves in their new company. With fresh and accurate contact data, your team can reach new leads before your competition does.

Entity Matching

Spend your valuable time building relationships with customers rather than managing your data. RevenueBase automatically matches every contact to the right company so you don’t have to wrangle data.

Flat Rate Pricing

No need to worry about running out of download credits, going over budget, or managing the complexity of different list vendors. With RevenueBase you have access to the contacts that align to your target personas. You can even identify new persona titles that you might have avoided with legacy pay-as-you-go list vendors.

What Our Customers Say

Scott Todaro

VP of Marketing, Planful

“Thanks to RevenueBase, we were able to double the number of leads we generated while cutting 60% of our demand gen spend. Today, 88% of all the meetings we set come from marketing leads.”

Eric Portugal Welsh

Director of Revenue Operations, Demostack

"RevenueBase helped us book 5x more meetings per BDR by giving us unique data filters that we were never able to get anywhere else. They allow us to target companies that are right at the center of our ideal customer profile."

Vess Bakalov

CEO, Pliant

“If you want a high-quality data partner with the level of user experience that you’ve come to expect out of cutting-edge technology companies, that’s what RevenueBase has over other data partners.”

RevenueBase Case Studies


2X Sales at Half the Budget: How Plannuh Turned Data into Revenue


5X Increase in Meetings per BDR within a Week of Switching to RevenueBase


Startup generates $900K in new pipeline