Data Licensing Solutions
Seamless Integration, Tremendous Benefit
Over 15 Million Global Companies
RevenueBase provides access to over 15 Million global companies, all of which have at least one marketing or sales team member.
Over 150 Million Global Contacts
Gain access to over 150 million global contacts, including nearly 30 million verified emails and over 12.7 million mobile phone numbers.
Over 100 B2B Data Attributes
RevenueBase provides over 100 B2B company attributes, including extensive technographics, funding insights, departmental role counts and openings, mobile application insights, and many more.
Seamless Data Management
RevenueBase’s proprietary data management system leverages AI and thousands of data sources to ensure our data is up-to-date and accurate. Our data management system leads to a world-class bounce rate of less than 2%.
Get in Touch
Join others who are using RevenueBase’s data to build great products. We’d love to talk!